Day 1 10:00

2 minute read time.
Good morning Got to the hospital at 0800. Did a blood test, blood count. Everything fine. I forgot the meds at home so I had to drive back home to get them. No worries live only 10 minutes away. Took the first tablet called Emend. 10:00 Plugged into the first bag, and then the treatment itself, and last but not least the third bag that had i.v meds instead of me taking tablets (Setron , Dexamethazon) Setron has got steroids. All tablets are for the sickness. By 1130 I was out of there. My mom drove me back home. Next time I go there again will be on the 20 October 2013 for the second and last treatment. So for all readers: These are the specific orders I got. 1. I can carry on taking all meds and herbal natural supplements I take. 2. 4-5 refrain from having sex. The chemo discharges from the body in the urine. So there is a chance that it will in the semen too. I didn't ask about a condom, I can do w/o sex for 4-5 days...not that I am going to be superman in the next week. 3. Flush the toilet twice after pissing. And always close the toilet cover after using the toilet. 4. If somebody in the family took an injection for a cold or polio that has half dead bacteria should cone near you with six weeks from the injection. 5. Refrain from being in the sun 6. You can be close the anyone you want, you do not pass it on 7. Temperature over 38c degrees dash to the hospital 8. Drink water 10-15 cups round up to about 2.5 liters of water. 1200 back home Temperature ok Had a light meal full wheat bread tuna fish tomato cucumber veg. Soup + green tea and ginger Had few pieces of dried ginger and herbal natural supplements : bio-25 , pomegranate extract , turmeric extract My face is burning a bit, looks like it is from the soup and tea. During the first treatments felt a little itchy on the finger tips hands and legs but went after a short time I really feel great right now. Not laying down yet but tiredness is growing on me, so I will go and rest a bit. Tomorrow I have to make an appointment with the nurse to give me an injection of Neulastim, he'll knows what for, but these are orders directly from the urologist. Time now is 1342 I will close this update for now.