After 24 hours

1 minute read time.

I slept ok last night maybe not the whole 6-7 hours but did sleep.

It is going well for me for  the time being. if i feel a bit sick i pop in a few ginger cubes w/o sugar and it stops the feelings. i am taking besides my usual meds all my natural supplements. added pomegranates and turmeric with piperine and bio-25 too. all to help the body cop with the chemo. i am eating well light stuff, nothing heavy like rice or potatoes or meet or chicken. i eat graines and pulses and vegetables. i bought today "gentle iron" in a tablet to challenge the lack of blood cells in a week time due to the chemo. and this is besides an injection which i will be taking in an hour of neuplastin that restores the lost white cells, and setron and dexamethason and emend tablets that the urologist gave me to take.

so far so good, my advise at this point BEFORE going into chemo prep your body at least 30 days before, NO alcohol, NO white sugar, NO white flour, NO meat, NO chicken, NO fluids except water (1-15 cups a day == 2.5 liters), NO rice/apples/potatoes (they cause constipation). YES almonds ten a day, YES walnuts five a day, YES vegetables, YES grains, YES pulses.

bye for now, till the next post :-)
