captains blog stardate chemo +8days

  • that light at the end of the tunnel is a train....


    hi chaps

      well as my status says good n bad news, went in today for my results and muggins that i am, i listened to the blather, love that word BLATHER, about how things were on the books for an operation. What books they been reading god only knows, but i bet they had washable, chewable and suitable for 2-5yr olds on.........sorry feeling bitter.

       Any road up, in waltzes the doc lovely bloke, askes the general questions…

  • one step at a time will get you to your destination...


    hi folks,

        OMG success at logging in, now wot to say. First just to update on manuka honey.... after a long conversation with the head staff nurse in charge of my chemo the subject of manuka honey came up.I had been taken it after reading, like alot of ther people , the benifits to the immune system. As it turns out there has been various tests done on this and the results have shown that certain types of pollen collected…

  • My personal thanks to andrex....


    hi folks,

      yes i'm still here, but been under the weather for the last 11 days.

       had my 3rd chemo cycle on the 13th, ( never thought of that date till now) and rapidly went down hill that fast could have set the world record. don't know wot went on but felt very anxious at the start of the injections, and after fell asleep in the cafe waiting for my lift to come. Got home and went to sleep straight away. Friday…

  • think the circus is here....could explain the clowns.


    hi folks,

       mmmmmmmmm this new site takes some getting used to.

    haven't been on for a while, not had a great deal to tell you about. had my 2nd chemo with a super duper injection quaranteed to stop the sickness for 5 days, the nhs was robbed only lasted 2.5 days wonder if they can claim a refund.

      You know how they say bad news comes in 3's, i don't hink they can count. just been notified that my nat. ins num has…

  • strange days.


     hi folks,

     I honestly haven't got a clue what i'm going on about in this one, so bare with me. well i had my chemo 8 days ago, the first 4 days i've decided to bury in the deepest darkest pit of my mind,never to be opened (yes it was that bad).

       So 2 intravenous injections followed by 21days of tablets,(to be repeated nonstop til feb 2012), and this is the strange part.

       DAY 2- no pain at all, now considering…