Cancer, Me and Them

  • The Sword of Damacles


    It's been a while...

    What have we been up to?  Mostly university stuff.  Oh.... and not having any treatment...

    I'd like to say that cancer has vacated our lives since the no evidence of disease, but it hasn't.  It is still with us everyday.  Perhaps not every min of every hour but hourly at least.  The Sword of Damacles feeling if you will?

    We had been getting back into some form of routine, our new normal,  and…

  • Really brain?


    Hello everyone,

    It has been a few weeks since our news that currently there is no evidence of disease.

    It has taken a while to digest it and only just are we beginning to get into some sort of routine.

    How do I feel about it now?

    I am not sure truth be told.  Many people are so excited for us, which is great, really it is.  But I find I am unable to get that excited.  My brain has been quietly whispering to me again.  It…

  • Lucky


    I am so sorry I haven't update until now.

    We haven't stopped.

    Dr Oncologist met us at the door smiling.

    'It's good news' he says.

    We sat down and he explained that my scans are 'unchanged'.  I wasn't really sure how this was good news but he went onto explain that at the moment they could find no evidence of disease.

    Just take a moment to let that sink in.

    No. Evidence. Of. Disease.


  • All clear...?


    Well.  D-Day is almost here.

    Tomorrow I get the results from my scan from two weeks ago.

    I have been getting increasingly stressed.

    Over the past three weeks my bowels have been really uncomfortable, sore and generally misbehaving.  My stomach hasn't been great either.  Feeling nauseous and getting niggling pains here and there.

    My irrational mind tells me the Bastard has spread.  It is in my stomach and bowel and I will…

  • Home Sweet Home?


    Long time no speak...

    We have been very busy moving into the new house, our last home together.

    It is taking its toll on us, we are both very tired and feel like we are walking through syrup, but gradually each day we get a little bit more done.  Thankfully we have a whole month to do it in, I think back to the many house moves we have made in the past and how we would do it all in a matter of a weekend.  That would not…