Cancer bits and pieces

  • Bumpy rowd


    I seem be on a bumpy rowd. In hosp more than owt of it. 

    Need my frends love, fyding it hard. 

    Oncologist on weds to tawk bowt re-start treetment, hav scans and see wot my tumas r up to.

    Tym get bak to my cancer fiyting 

    Has to be winned soon ryt??

  • Fank mac fam


    I say fank u.

    Fank u all giv me love, kind word and hold hand all way long. Fank all hoo say prays me, hoo keep sayf in my hed and ther hed. All hoo say gud luk me and arsk how i be.

    Be on mac mayke my smyal. Help me get beta, mac my famly. 

    Word nev enuf to say how feel, hard tryin say i want to. I lernin speeks all gen and words and all be gud try help me. I get fusdated and feel stewpid lots. I no fink ov words…

  • Predator - poem

    The dreaded C word everyone fears
    Laying in wait, like a preying tiger
    Anticipating the perfect moment to pounce
    It has you sight, you have no escape
    Fear, shock, disbelief take over
    A wave of emotions crash down on you
    Further and further you sink, down and down
    *THUD* that’s the sounds of rock bottom
    The tiger is strong, BOLD, and mean
    Ready to begin the chase, the game
    You are the prey…