Cancer bits and pieces

  • Finking beta now


    I hav waykd today wiv payn I can deel wiv. It dus not hert lots + lots wich is such a releef. It still herts but that kind of payn i can tayk, I hav had no extra payn killas so far, jus wot I am ment to hav.

    My new plan of acshon is to proov thees doctas rong. they say my legs will not wawk...but i can wiggal my tows!!! So today I will moov my feet and mayk them darnse! 

    Feels beta to be in a hosp I hav been in befor…

  • Payn + payn


    I fynd fings getting harder and harder 

    Why is lyf so unfayr?  

    I feel lyk my hart is herting mor eech day an i don no how too mayk it stop 

    I feel lyk I hav fayled every1 bcoz i am no betta... i fink fings r worse than eva 

    I'm sorry

    I onlee cry wen it herts... it feels lyk all the tym.


  • tomorrow


    Tomorrow is meeting wiv oncologist. I reely don no wot to expect. He will have luked at the scans more and hav more result for me. He will no wot if any treetment they can giv me to tayk way sum of the symptoms.

    I just want them to sawt the payn. I got new pills, they are a bit beta. Sometyms the payn is less but then coms bak agen. I still hert mor than i dont. Niyt time is worse.

    I am fyndin it v hard, v v v v hard…

  • Not wot I want


    I feel lyk I did sum fing very bad in a pass litf in order to be gettin this much crap from the big C. 

    It has spred to my surround lymph in my groyn and i have a new tuma in my spiyn. It is paynful. It herts and herts and the payn mayks me cry as it neva stops. And then I feel bad for say how much it herts as i no peepal r tryin to help... but I carnt stand it much more. I do not wan do it, if it gow b lyk this for the…

  • Off I gow


    Wellll... I am off on a lital brake away (to scotland yay)! A very niys serprise. I will tayk it very eezy. I fink that week away shud b givon to all peepal hoo are wayting for results!!!!! Waytin is no fun.

    I am wayting for scan result to see if my brain tuma has gon and how my second tuma is dooin... I no ev1 say to stay postiv, but I no is got biga. Is jus 1 ov thos fings u hav a feel for. I reemayn cawshus ov thees…