Predator - poem

1 minute read time.
The dreaded C word everyone fears
Laying in wait, like a preying tiger
Anticipating the perfect moment to pounce
It has you sight, you have no escape
Fear, shock, disbelief take over
A wave of emotions crash down on you
Further and further you sink, down and down
*THUD* that’s the sounds of rock bottom
The tiger is strong, BOLD, and mean
Ready to begin the chase, the game
You are the prey and it wants you
Run, quick, you have to play the game
A lowly animal against a ferocious beast
You hide… quiet… and hope it goes away
But it’s smarter than that
… It waits
As you take one step, so does the tiger
It catches you and pulls you under
Sharp, gleaming teeth tearing through your flesh
Pain radiates and teeth sink deeper
Its grip tighter, its hold stronger
But the game can’t be over. Not yet
… You fight until you’re free
Wounded the next round soon to begin
Someone must win…
Cautious and aware of the pain you stumble on
Through the unknown praying you’ll succeed
The peace fades as the footsteps echo in the dull air
Louder and louder, you know it has returned
The chase resumes, both eager to triumph
            But only one can
Shields you have built, slowly worn away
Your body screams in defiance but your mind ignores
“Fight” a voice demands “fight”
Shocked into silence both prey and predator freeze
The voice rages on “fight, fight, fight
It needs action, it commands action
The tiger cowers
            It retreats and uneasy calm ensues
The war has not been won
            It has only just begun
The odds are stacked against the prey
Weak, sickly, tired, they whisper
The journey can’t stop now
Battles must be fought, the pain must continue
Weary but not defeated, rest is welcomed
Eyes are closed and the body relaxes
Relying on others to guard and watch
Batteries charged… but never enough
Silent footsteps sneak up, circling
Another blow is dealt and the tiger is back
Knocked out… you must get up
The pain keeps coming and wraps you in its arms
It envelopes and its all you see and feel
Pain becomes your complete existence
But while the tiger is strong, you have power
You have the voice, the fight
The war rages on
Neither side giving up
Both growing tired and weak
How much longer before the predator gets the prey
… or the prey is free from the clutches

waiting… in a never ending game


A poem I wrote while undergoing treatment for my brain tumour.

Cadee xx

  • FormerMember

    excellent cadee, and how very true the words are, the only thing is i like nice endings ONLY !!!!!!!!!!  Fairytales always have a nice endings but some wickedness in the middle !!!!!! xxx  

    Keep your chin up and jump hurdles, because you cant jump backwards and only move forwards !!!!!!

    loadsa love dawnie xx

  • FormerMember

    as a fellow brain tumour patient the poem resonates with me.  You have quite a way with words.

    I hope you are ahead of the chase for a long time to come.

    Love & strength,  Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cadee,

    I wish you well in your fight,sorry I cant understand your poem. Make sure you jump the hurdles and dont fall. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thats brilliant PJ!  I love just make sure you don't give up. xx

  • FormerMember

    That's wonderful Cadee - you are an inspiration to me and others

