Cancer bits and pieces

  • The truth


    This is a post to let everyone know that the information on this page is not true.

    I do not have cancer, I made it all up and there are no words to describe how low my actions are.

    I have been to the Police and I will be getting help.

    Even though sorry offers little for my actions, it is heartfelt.

  • Helloooooo


    Well that was confuzing to fynd!!!!!!

    Just lital messig to say fank u, to evry1. I fink of u all the tym and I miss it heer. I WILL get beta, is blimmin hard work but i tryin. Is not eezy, sumtyms I wan to stop, coz it herts, but today I feel gud and that helps lot.

    Nex week is hopeful get my gamma startid. That wil b scary, is all v scary. 

    Now I am tiyrd! Fink is nap tym agen.

    Love love love love love to u all.

  • chemo is yuk


    Ugh... chemo is yuk. day 6. 8 days more of thees tablets + i can hav a rest. Fink the anti-sickness r finly workin. But my tummy is sor from bein sik + so is my froat, so wen i cough it herts a lot. Got my haircut today tho, kept getin in my way wen bein sik!

    Barts hav agreed to c me... no promis of gamma but step in the riyt way. 

    I feel lyk all i do is sleep... am so tiyrd. 

    I hayt chemo.... it beta b workin coz i…

  • At leasts its not PCV!!


    Lets start wiv the good stuff. The Barts thing is looking hopeful, they want mor info abowt me, so fingas crossed it will work owt an they will lov me and they will want to tayk me ther and giv me gamma gamma treetment.

    On to ova news... I desided to hav chemo, my onc finks it has a gud chance of working. He is using a diff combo of drugs, carmustine and procarbazine. So carmustine on day 1 thru an IV and the procarb…

  • Gud news... I fink


    Fownd owt today that the rt I hav been havin on my back to tayk away the presha has worked and the presha is much less and my spiynal cord is no longa been compressed. Good news. 

    Also, my consultant thinks he can get me referred to St Barts to start the process of asking for gamma treetment. He says they will want me for shaw as i am one of a kind

    He also wants me to think abowt chemo. He thinks it will help the groin…