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I fynd fings getting harder and harder 

Why is lyf so unfayr?  

I feel lyk my hart is herting mor eech day an i don no how too mayk it stop 

I feel lyk I hav fayled every1 bcoz i am no betta... i fink fings r worse than eva 

I'm sorry

I onlee cry wen it herts... it feels lyk all the tym.


  • FormerMember

    Darling life is so so unfair - no one deserves this at least you.

    YOU have not failed anyone - the system is unjust - if anyone deserved the laser knife treatment it is you.

    We share your hurt and pain.  We love you xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Cadee if life was fair you would never have had cancer to start with,I'm sorry things are so hard for you now but never feel you are letting anyone down we all know how hard you have fought this horrid disease if we could take it from you we would.

    If love can heal you will get better because as Solent says we all love you xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Sweetie

    Lots of people on here think life is unfair.  As to why that is, I don't think anyone has an answer.  I wish I could take your pain away and make you smile again.

    I don't know you very well but I am quite sure that you have NOT failed anyone.  Please don't think that.  

    Take care love.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Cadee ...we all love you and i ave never met any one as brave as you.

                   Love you Teresa xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cadee,

    Just another friend that wishes they could share and take some of your pain away. We are so proud of you and never feel you have let anyone down.

    Long Live The Queen.

    John xx