The truth

Less than one minute read time.

This is a post to let everyone know that the information on this page is not true.

I do not have cancer, I made it all up and there are no words to describe how low my actions are.

I have been to the Police and I will be getting help.

Even though sorry offers little for my actions, it is heartfelt.

  • FormerMember

    OMG I cannot believe what I am reading!  I don't know what to think or say!  I need time to digest this news!


  • If you think someone is fake then flag it with admin and if that did happen I doubt we will hear why they were allowed to stay on the site for so long, as Marsha has said this happens so often on this site, thats why many of us stick to our groups. That way we can chose who we support and help, sadly it will happen again on such an open site.

    not quite the site it used to be sadly

  • FormerMember

    Lets stay real guys, no pun intended, the fact  PJ does not have cancer does not mean she is not sick, in fact I feels she is more sick than many of us.  Not trying to bring anyone down - but so many of us know we may have a limited time, not really a problem, we are the lucky ones  given some notice. But it hurts when others know we have a limited resource. life, but still steals it from us and laughs at taking the mickey. I am not vindictive but hope some who steal our time precious and limited time learn to understand just how selfish that is, when the have health and laugh at us  - no love or hugs


  • FormerMember

    The Mac Site is a flickering flame in a dark world. It is inevitable that it will attract more than those who need it.

    KIndness, genuine concern and true humanity is on view on this site; is it any wonder then that such warmth is bound to attract those who have the wrong reasons to be here.

    I do a bit of fishing, sometimes I am successful but often I attract the wrong sort of fish. I try not to get upset, I simply throw them back.

  • FormerMember

    OK first guys, calm down a little - we now know that PJ does not have cancer - I am personally glad to hear that - would never wish it on my worst enemy - but lets face it guys she is sick and need help- maybe more than some of us who do have it.

    Wishing her ill or worse does nothing - what she has done is hard for a human being to understand, she has come onto a cancer support site, where some or even many know they may have a limited time, despite this - she stole the most precious thing we had and I suspect laughing at us, she stole our time, our love and our emotions. - I can sleep at night, I gave her support - hope she can sleep at night - knowing she stole the time I had to love real people that wanted to share and not steal my life

    No eveil wishes - but maybe understand - no love or hugs  !!
