The truth

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This is a post to let everyone know that the information on this page is not true.

I do not have cancer, I made it all up and there are no words to describe how low my actions are.

I have been to the Police and I will be getting help.

Even though sorry offers little for my actions, it is heartfelt.

  • FormerMember

    YOU was 1 of the first ppl i met on mac chat was impressed by your bravery you just make me sick othering me hope with dave but your just pond scum think ppl like you make me qustion if mac is a gd place for me to be right now

  • FormerMember

    Andy please don't let one rotten apple deprive you of the support and love you need.  99.9% of people here are genuine, caring, loving people who only want to help those who are suffering from cancer or caring for loved ones.

    Sending you love and hugs,

    Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh people stop getting sucked in by these fraudsters.  You know I used to be regular on chat, but had given it a miss long before the whole Anna thing came out.  When I first ventured back, PJ was one of the first people I came across in the room.  Jings, she might as well have had a sign plastered across her name with BIG FAT FAKE written on it.  What concerns me most is that there are people on here who claim to have been in touch with the sad sorry f***er by phone and text.  Are they genuine?  I'm beginning to have my doubts. 

    It really is such a shame that these freaks choose to target this once great site, but please all be on your guard, it's all too easy to pretend to be something you're not in this virtual world.

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    And to everyone who slagged me off for telling you all that she was a fake - I bloody told you so, it was blatantly obvious!!

  • FormerMember

    I second Claire's statement, we never set out to hurt you all but to try and open your eyes to the glaring obviousness of it all. I was in text contact with Cadee early on whilst struggling through my own treatment and holding my family together. I gave her my number after she private chatted me that she was suicidal. I told her not to do anything silly and use my number any time of day or night It was the banality and oddness of the ensuing texts that made me question her truth. I didn't just decide to accuse her, everything I stated was based in fact.

    The most hurtful thing of all was to be accused of causing 'Sam's' miscarriage - what a terrilbe thing to accuse any mother of, shame on you all for that in particular. As hurtful as the 'fakes' can be what some so-called friends did and said to myself and Claire, who offered love and support to so many, was far worse.

    So now the blinkers are off I hope no-one got hurt too badly and will wait with baited breath for any apologies that may be forthcoming. And before anyone says they won't apologise for believing in people or you would rather trust than become cynical, I totally agree and still live my life that way. The apology is for the terrible treatment that Claire in particular suffered.