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I fynd fings getting harder and harder 

Why is lyf so unfayr?  

I feel lyk my hart is herting mor eech day an i don no how too mayk it stop 

I feel lyk I hav fayled every1 bcoz i am no betta... i fink fings r worse than eva 

I'm sorry

I onlee cry wen it herts... it feels lyk all the tym.


  • FormerMember

    cadee ,

    how could you ever fail anyone?

    you are such a lovely girl, you still think about others when you are in pain xx

    sol is right, the system has failed you, you and others deserve better treatment xx hugs xxx love ya xx fuzzywuzzy xx

    loved your scottish pics pj xx ive kept them and will keep them forever xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Cadee, you are an amazing lass we all love you. You have done nothing wrong. Sending you mega vibes


  • FormerMember

    Cadee xxx

    Now why do you think you have let anyone down !!

    You have shown me how amazing one persons strength can be, you have inspired others to keep fighting even at your darkest moments Cadee.

    If only we could all come and give you a cuddle, it wouldnt take the pain away but would hopefully ease your heart. Sending you this virtual cuddle instead,

    Imagine Im there in front of you,

    with arms wide open just for you.

    Imagine I move nearer too you,

    one step closer, and then two.

    Imagine Im there, touching you,

    my arms completely around you.

    Can you feel me hugging you,

    all my love surrounding you.


    Shaz xx

  • FormerMember

    Aw hun, if there's anyone in this world who hasn't let anyone down it is you.

    I think you are the one who has been let down most of all. You don't deserve all this and you have come through so much to be where you are today, so, don't for a minute think you have let anyone down.

    I so hope you manage to pick up soon. I have been following your story and you are such a strong character who has come a long long way.

    Wishing you loads of love and strength to keep fighting this bloody disease.

    Take care hun.

    Christine xx