Payn + payn

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I fynd fings getting harder and harder 

Why is lyf so unfayr?  

I feel lyk my hart is herting mor eech day an i don no how too mayk it stop 

I feel lyk I hav fayled every1 bcoz i am no betta... i fink fings r worse than eva 

I'm sorry

I onlee cry wen it herts... it feels lyk all the tym.


  • FormerMember

    just a big gentle hug as your friends have said it all.xx

  • FormerMember

    Cadee you have NEVER let anyone down. I wish I could take your pain away for ever.

    Always there for you

    Bee xx

  • FormerMember

    be strong young friend you can hold your head up high and be proud of your self you are one very special young lady.



  • Cadee my dear,

    You have not failed anyone, and you can be proud of  the way you have conducted yourself throughout  the whole time, i hope you know we all think about you and wish you well, everyone is always asking how you are doing, you have so many friends on this site who are all rooting for you, just concentrate on getting well again, how ever long that takes, and smile to yourself in the knowledge that you have made many people on here happy.

    I wish you every happiness.


  • FormerMember


    If there is one person on this site who wouldnt let anyone down its you. With all the pain you have to endure. You

    have powerful inner strength. I hope your heart stops hurting.  Look after yourself sweetheart.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx