A Starter

1 minute read time.

Well I've been on this site for just over a week.  I thought I would start this, because sometimes you just need to talk to yourself - I do it all the time!!

This page and chat room is amazing, everyone here is just so nice and I am amazed at how welcoming people are.  It's so sad to see how many people are hurting from this disease as either a patient or a carer.

So, where do I start about me? 

  • A number of miscarriages and progressive infertility - 2003 - 2009
  • Endometriosis & PCOS - Diagnosed 2005
  • Hysterectomy - May 2010 (which cures the above)
  • Blood Disorder so emergency op - May 2010
  • Grandad liver tumour and passed away - August - 15 October 2010
  • Bowel Tumour - November 2010

So not a great few years (and I'm only 28!).  I work full time (except May - June this year) and some how get through.  I stand by my profile name - Bubbly... if you don't laugh, I'd go mad!! 

I know this seems a rather clinical way of describing me, but I guess that's how I deal with things.  I miss my grandad sooo much and that actually upsets me more than me having the tumour!!  The silly things that I think about more than when he was alive.  I wonder if he is watching me now?  When I go to my Gran's I can't help but ache to see him.  I have a hole in my heart where something is missing. :(

I'm current having steroids to reduce the tumour.  As i say, that part doesn't really worry me, I am ok to go and have the operation when it comes alone and not tell anyone!  Perhaps too independant for my own good!

Anyway, enough rambling for now...


  • FormerMember

    Its been good to meet you in chat and we are here to help when you need us - cant be brave all the time!

    Kind regards

    Vikki xxx (MrsP)

  • FormerMember

    Thank-you everyone for your comments... I didn't expect anyone to even notice!! It just shows how lovely you all are.

    I know that I am terrible for looking after everyone else and don't want to bother anyone else about me.

    In answer to your question Kate, yes I have a mum and dad (separated) and 2 sisters and a brother.  I adore my youngest sister (18) and my brother (17)and get on with other sister (21).  I get on with my dad (51) and I love my mum (48) but I have always been the one to take care of everything.

    My mum and dad split when I was 1, so never been a problem and the children are half siblings (although we don't see it like that).

    I've always been mum's support and sammii (18 sis) and they were devastated about the hysterectomy!! I don't think they'd cope, I know sammii wouldn't.

    Anyway, more too much rambling!