BronB's Radiotherapy Journey - treatment to the Salivary Gland

  • One week + 1 day after treatment ended

    Just a little update as to how I am doing since ending RT last Thursday (today is Friday) .....

    At the beginning of this week I was having fatigue bouts but as of yesterday these seem to have subsided. I would say that I am functioning at 50-60% of my regular activity levels because I am not getting up early or doing school runs at either end of the school day. Also, I am not doing very much in the day and I am falling…

  • Recovery day 4 - sore but less tired today

    I am now 4 days into my recovery. It is bank holiday after Easter and I wanted to go to Bletchley Park with my husband and daughter. The forecast was nice and we haven't been before (and it is 8 miles away!). After waking up and having my usual Ready Brek for breakfast I showered and then cleaned my face. Plenty of 'goo' seemed to come off with each gentle wipe. I managed to get it fairly clean looking except the ear…
  • Recovery day 2 - with photos (ouch!)

    Today is Saturday (the Easter weekend) and my last treatment was on Thursday. Thursday night I managed to get to see Derren Brown at the theatre which took a 4 hour afternoon snooze so I was able to stay awake. Yesterday (Good Friday) we did nothing religious, instead visiting a friends alpaca farm for an hour. My mum has returned home for a week and so my husband is keeping the RT site clean. Anyway, Friday I managed…
  • Day 29 - 1 session remaining and today's has been tough

    The day started okay, although I woke up at 5am! - we dropped my daughter off to her friends for the day so we could head to the hospital. I say the day started .... For me, my ability to get out and about means a 10am start by the time I have got up, started with pain killers, done the oral hygiene bit, let mum or my husband tackle the dried seeping mess behind and inside my ear (this is a twice-a-day cleansing job)…
  • Sessions 24-28 - 2 remaining

    I am going to try to keep this brief (it's 5.30 in the morning). My biggest side effect is an ear that is now blocked and seeping clear fluid from the ear canal. This has been going on since my last post and is definitely not clearing up by itself. The mac nurse took a swab today and we await results before my last treatment on Thursday. The skin behind my eat is decidedly split and requires daily cleansing very gently…