Bladder cancer story

  • Time to choose

    The biopsy has confirmed TaG3, so I do have the choice of BCG or surgery. The doctor - a pleasant but young registrar - didn't have much information to add to what I'd already gleaned off the interent, but wouldn't let me decide there & then. At least he didn't try to sway me in either direction.

    I have to back on July 12. 

    I can be grateful it's not worse and the sense of urgency has abated slightly…

  • Sleep deprived

    Oh for a good night's sleep.

    Now I'm past the post-op frequent disturbance to visit the loo, I hoped for better nights. But I'm still either having difficulty getting off to sleep or waking too early.

    I keep rehearsing possible scenarios & conversations with my consultant. Having decided (if I have a choice) that I want cystectomy for better prognosis rather than risk BCG failure, I'm worried that he may…

  • Coping with family

    It's been difficult selecting what to tell family members.

    Hubby doesn't have much medical know-how. I'm not always sure what he understands. He's been very supportive - saying it's my body & my decision. I explained that if I have a choice, I want to go for best odds for optimum outcome, even if it's a sledgehammer to crack a nut. He definitely doesn't want to think about the possibility of outliving me (even long…

  • What people think

    Now a week on after having my biopsy. Not nearly as bad as TURBT + mitomycin - no nausea or bladder cramps, much less swimmy head. Just need to build up stamina again ready for the next procedure.

    Interesting the different assumptions & attitudes people have.

    Many are surprised that I don't have any ongoing symptoms, so I make the point how insidious cancer can be & how important it is to have screening/act on…

  • Guilty of being crass?

    Having read the 'dumb things people say' forum, I feel a bit guilty myself.

    When I was first diagnosed with superficial bladder cancer, I rather made light of it.  My brother has had it & is now discharged after several recurrencies & then sufficient clear cystoscopies. I thought I'd be the same & before I got my histology results I made comments, rather to reassure my friends & colleagues, like 'some…