Bladder cancer story

  • Decision making is liberating

    If I have a choice between BCG & surgery, I've decided to opt for surgery. Having made this choice, I feel so much more at ease.


    The prospect still feels somewhat surreal, but I hope that playing the scenario through in my mind will help me when it actually happens.

  • Unreality

    Here I am, feeling fit & well, apart from effects of stress, yet I am a person who has cancer.

    I've had a bladder tumour removed, yet I have been told it may still be lurking deeper or even have spread.

    I'm studying the sickness policy from work, cancelling a holiday & claiming for cancellation.  Somehow telling my friends has been OK but dealing with this paperwork makes me feel it's really something…

  • the waiting game

    The waiting & uncertainty is hard. I like to be organised & plan ahead, which is impossible at the moment.

    I've just got a date for my biopsy so I can gauge the timetable for the next few weeks at least.

    We're expecting our first grandchild in the Summer - in Japan. It looks like we may have to make a trip out there at short notice, according to treatment/surgery schedule, rather than planned well in advance…

  • the story so far

    Diagnosed with superficial papillary type bladder cancer in March 2010. TURBT with mitomycin on 28 April.

    Expecting regular follow up with removal of recurrences. My brother had bladder cancer diagnosed about 12 years ago but now discharged from follow up.

    Follow up for histology results on 26 May. What a shock. It's grade 3. The Consultant suggests a further biopsy to check if it's already gone to the muscle wall.…