Coping with family

1 minute read time.

It's been difficult selecting what to tell family members.

Hubby doesn't have much medical know-how. I'm not always sure what he understands. He's been very supportive - saying it's my body & my decision. I explained that if I have a choice, I want to go for best odds for optimum outcome, even if it's a sledgehammer to crack a nut. He definitely doesn't want to think about the possibility of outliving me (even long term, let alone short term).


Sons have been given an edited version & are aware that I'm waiting to find out what treatment - I've said probablly surgery - will happen. As yet I haven't hinted at how big an op or the risk of a poor prognosis. I have warned them both that they are now at higher risk themselves. Neither appears unduly concerned at the moment.


My mother is the worst problem. She's 88 & is of course anxious - too much spare time to worry in. So far I've tried to present things in the best light and told her the absolute minimum. I took hubby's advice not to say too much too soon, but I find I'm resenting having to worry about her reaction to each bit of news or how to answer any questions she asks. I want to be honest but not overburden her, when the future is so uncertain.


Perhaps it will be better when I know for sure the next steps at least & can tell each what I feel they need to know. Then it will just be wait & see what happens.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teasswill,

    Say nothing until you are certain what treatment  the medical team have laid out for you. At least then you will know the facts and what to expect. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx