Guilty of being crass?

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Having read the 'dumb things people say' forum, I feel a bit guilty myself.

When I was first diagnosed with superficial bladder cancer, I rather made light of it.  My brother has had it & is now discharged after several recurrencies & then sufficient clear cystoscopies. I thought I'd be the same & before I got my histology results I made comments, rather to reassure my friends & colleagues, like 'some cancers aren't as bad as others' & 'if you've got to have cancer at least it's easy to treat because it's so accessible'. I said I was optimistic for a good propect.

Now I've had to start telling people actually it is rather serious after all...  I shall wait until I get the next results & know exactly what I'm facing before I say any more.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teesswill,

    I have a saying about Cancer Never ever jump the gun.

    Wait until you have had all the facts all the results of tests,,and the possible outcome of treatments you may have coming your way.  I hope you do have a good outlook.

    Look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck Teasswill and don't beat yourself up!  We all deal with bad news in our own way and, when we feel least able to deal, we either say stupid things, show lots of care or nothing at all - that's life and we've all been there.  You don't always have to put on a brave face and your truest friend will be there to catch you if you fall.  Take care, love Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Teasswill dont feel guilty as Ann says we all deal differently with things and perhaps say stuff sometimes without even thinking.  To be honest I wanted to show both sides of the dumb things people say, both insensitive and funny, its life and we are all human.

    Good luck hun with any future treatments.

    Jules xx

  • Thanks for the support. It's terrific meeting people here who know just what it's like, the range of feelings one can have.

    I'm lucky, I have some really good friends locally & have quite a few aquaintances coping with cancer. Also various people I know have had what I considered worse things happening - losing a child in an accident, or an untreatable degenerative illness. I think at first I wanted to make clear I didn't regard myself so badly off.

    Now I know I have the lesss common G3 instead of G1 as anticipated, the future will always be uncertain - I may have many years left, I may not. I'm learning to live with that.

    I've just had the biopsy which wasn't nearly as bad as the TURBT. Now to be patient during the recovery!