bizzie lizzie

  • It's snow joke............


    Hi all,

            Well we in Kent have joined the rest of the country under a blanket of snow. I had my second chemo of cycle 5 yesterday and my lovely friend who drives me and my husband to all the appointments was determined I would get to the hospital in Maidstone. It took 35 minutes to get to the end of the next road from our house but we persevered and arrived only 15 minutes late. My treatment was started almost straight…

  • You've gotta do what you've gotta do !


    I should have had the last chemo of cycle 4 today, but received a phone call last night to say it was being delayed a week due to low neutrophils. Then , this morning I got another call asking me to come and have a blood test to see if I could have chemo after all. They were sorry to mess me around, they said , but the pharmacy had specially asked if I could come in. So off I went, had another test and..... still too…

  • On an up !


    Saw my consultant on the 13th and had everything crossed that the CA125 would have gone down. This was the first time it had been tested since starting this particular treatment and ....oh had decreased from 219 to 31 after 2 cycles! He was very pleased with my overall health and it was nice to leave the hospital with a smile on my face.

                This smile got even bigger when our lovely daughter arrived for the weekend…

  • A small moan.....


    I was disappointed to receive a phone call from the chemo clinic yesterday, cancelling my chemo session today due to very low neutrophils. They were supposed to ring today with a new appointment for next week but no word yet. I know this is a common reason why treatment is delayed but it was the last chemo in cycle 2 and it was supposed to be done and dusted with a break to look forward to next week and then a consultant…

  • From chaos to calm


    Hi all

            Was due to have the first chemo of the second cycle today. Woke up to pouring rain this morning, typical as I had done a load of washing to leave out while at the hospital. Then I drove my son to the train station in what appeared to be monsoon weather and as he got out of the car my mobile rang, " Quick",said hubby, "Come home now, the hospital have just rung and they want you to have another blood test as the…