A small moan.....

1 minute read time.

I was disappointed to receive a phone call from the chemo clinic yesterday, cancelling my chemo session today due to very low neutrophils. They were supposed to ring today with a new appointment for next week but no word yet. I know this is a common reason why treatment is delayed but it was the last chemo in cycle 2 and it was supposed to be done and dusted with a break to look forward to next week and then a consultant appointment and on with cycle 3. I think when you look at your chemo schedule written down you place a lot of importance on every session going to plan because so much rests on the outcome. However, life doesn't go to plan, as we all know, but a glitch in the treatment , however small, produces a  stronger reaction, purely because cancer is an emotional rollercoaster.

           I am a positive person but as I have said to others, come on here and have a moan because people will understand and it will make you feel better. So this is a small moan and now, onwards and upwards! I will look forward to all the family coming at the weekend for my birthday. It will be so lovely to see everyone and I feel better just thinking about it.

            Take care and feel well everyone,

                    Lots of love,

                          lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, Happy birthday for the week end, it is mine on thursday and we were all suppose to be going camping for the week end but all this rain has put us off a bit. Know what you mean about treatment getting delayed,it happened to me twice and i felt really down for a few days after but like you say onwards and upwards is the only way!

    Enjoy your birthday,

    Best wishes and lots of love  Sue xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Lizzie,

    The Moan the merrier. Have a fantastic Birthday at the weekend Good Luck.

    Take care and stay safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, happy birthday for the weekend. I think having a moan does let off steam and helps. I had my chemos delayed as well lizzie its a pain but you will get there in the end.

    Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie,

    Take each day as it comes, and have a wonderful birthday before you start worring about treatment again.  here's hoping the weather really is going to improve!!

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your birthday wishes and I hope you are having a great birthday today Sue. Got my new appointment for next Tuesday so fingers crossed!

              Take care,

                     Love lizzie xx