From chaos to calm

1 minute read time.

Hi all

        Was due to have the first chemo of the second cycle today. Woke up to pouring rain this morning, typical as I had done a load of washing to leave out while at the hospital. Then I drove my son to the train station in what appeared to be monsoon weather and as he got out of the car my mobile rang, " Quick",said hubby, "Come home now, the hospital have just rung and they want you to have another blood test as the one you had done yesterday was inconclusive !". "Oh sugar" I said (and if you believe that you'll believe anything)Luckily, my very good friend who insists on driving me to all my appointments came early and off we went. Wouldn't you know, because we wanted a quick journey. we found three lots of road works that were not there on the previous visit and the inevitable delays.

           Finally got to the hospital, had blood taken and was set up for chemo as they were hopeful I would have it.  My neutrophils were 1, which is borderline and they wanted to see if they were going up or down. The result came back at 1.35 so it was up to the doctor to make the decision. That took longer than the blood result, but eventually Sue, the Sister,who is a very funny lady and keeps us all laughing, came over and stood in front of me with the phone to her ear. After several seconds she raised her arm in triumph and said "The man from Delmonte, he say YES ! Cheers all round the room and great relief for yours truly.

            After that, chemo went without a hitch and I was back home by 2.30pm, eating a chicken salad sandwich and having a much needed mug of tea. Oh, forgot to mention , the dog had also suddenly developed a swollen eye this morning and as she has to have allergy injections that was another thing to worry about. However when we got home the swelling had disappeared and she seems fine. Now, all is calm Here's to next Tuesday when we do it all again (without the chaos please).

             Love to all.

                     lizzie xxx


  • FormerMember

    Well done Lizzie,

    Cool calm and collected, no panic took it all in your stride, and ended up with a Chicken Salad Sandwich and a mug of tea. All I got was a piece of toast and a cup of tea. Ah well never mind.!!!!!!!!

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Glad all went well in the end xx

  • FormerMember

    Have to say admire your attitude lizzie, chemo every week, hats of to you.  Seems as if everything goes wrong in one day then all is well.  Liked the place cheering because you can have chemo!!!  I arrived a day early for my last one, by mistake, nurse said first anyone had tured up early, usually they dont turn up at all, had a laugh about it.  Take care, marionxx