bess burton

  • first hurdle


    Thought everything was going so well-no real side effects from first R chop. Started with temp on day 7, reached 37.8 on day 8 so rang un it and had to go in to be checked. Bloods taken which seemed to be ok so sent home after 3 hours with more antibiotics. Developed into chesty cold and hubby is quite weezy-is this ok? I am already sick of hospitals!!!!!

  • first chem over!


    Well the waiting and worry about first treatment for hubby is over! He had R chop today and so far feels fine! I'm sure it won't last but it's a good start.

  • What has happened to our life!!!


    Well another day on the cancer rollercoaster! One step forward two back! 5  weeks ago my 53 year old hubby thought he had a sore throat now he has cancer! He started with a visit to a ENT consultant who took one look and said 'This looks serious' ALARM BELLS WENT OFF! four days later he had his tonsils out, one week later we were told it was non hodgkin lymphoma. CT scans, blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy followed…