What has happened to our life!!!

1 minute read time.

Well another day on the cancer rollercoaster! One step forward two back! 5  weeks ago my 53 year old hubby thought he had a sore throat now he has cancer! He started with a visit to a ENT consultant who took one look and said 'This looks serious' ALARM BELLS WENT OFF! four days later he had his tonsils out, one week later we were told it was non hodgkin lymphoma. CT scans, blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy followed. Hubby coped well, I fell apart-couldn't eat, sleep or stop crying. The world became unreal and the waiting has been terrible between each result. We saw the consultant today-good news it hasn't spread, bad news it is Mantle cell lymphoma which is difficult to treat. I am completely numb and totally despondent. My wonderful hubby has again taken it all in his stride. My birthday tomorrow and also the first day of chemotherapy. Don't know what to expect and am really scared for him. He is fit and well now but tomorrow? We shall see.

The internet is a blessing and a curse-why do I keep looking on cancer websites? I only want to read the positive ones!

Will fill you in tomorrow on first treatment

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bess, so sorry to read of your husband's diagnosis.

    This is a very scary time for you both. Your head will be all over the place as you imagine the worst. Things will get easier as you come to terms with the diagnosis. I'm sure you will get some replies with positive comments.

    Like you, I have a habit of looking everything up on the internet in the vain hope that I will read positive news, but usually end up frightening the life out of myself. Too much knowledge can be a bad thing. That's why they say doctors and nurses make the worst patients! lol.

    I hope tomorrow's treatment goes well. I will keep an eye open to see how things go.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bess

    I hd my first chemo a couple of weeks ago and I was terrified beforehand.  I was fine on the day and since then, while I can't say it's been easy, you get through it.  Not everyone has all the side-effects they warn you about either, so fingers crossed everything goes well.  

    If your hubby has already coped well with what's been done so far, he'll be fine.

    Best wishes for tomorrow

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bess,

    Hope the treatment goes well, everyone reacts different to Chemo  so hoping hubby has a smooth ride, might be had but try to enjoy your birthday - really do know the present you want so hope that wish comes true.

    Maybe the hardest thing is the carers role, you can only sit and wait. The only other message - take life a day at a time, live every one to the max and try to find the good memory in that day - there is always one.

    Love and hugs to you and hubby for tomorrow and the future

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear about your husband. Im going through a similar time my husband has liver and bone metastasies and is now in the hospice with an unstable spine due to a tumour pushing against his spinal cord.Im finding it all too much to cope with but he is so strong.Only difference is I know he only has weeks to live and he doesnt know as he hasnt asked.I so want to know what hes thinking but cant ask him as he thinks hes going to be around for a long time!Anyone been in this situation,