Base of Tongue Cancer

  • likely cancer and node

    Hi All just joined today and literally opened  letter from hospital  with diagnosis letter any help would be great Thanks. Problem Likely squamous cell carcinoma right base of tongue , Palpable right level 11 neck node.  Plan CT neck and chest , ultrasound , FNAC , TCY for panendoscopy and biopsy 

  • Update 4th October 2013


    I am now talking with greater ease and although I still have a lot of pain if I speak for a long time I can at least string a few words together. There has been much improvement in this area over the last week.

    Yesterday I had my latest consultation at the Hospital. Having not eaten anything via my mouth for well over a month I was a bit apprehensive because I knew they were going to test my ability to swallow something…

  • Update 27th September 2013


    Latest update is very much more of the same. I have recovered from the drama of last week and I feel that I am slowly but surely making progress.

    For the last three days I have swallowed some small mouthfuls of water –this may sound minor but for me it was a huge thing to do. There was a bit of pain along with some coughing and spluttering but it's a good start. I had swallowed nothing for several weeks and this is a…

  • Update 20th September 2013


    This has been a difficult week and I would describe the progress as two steps forward and one step back.....

    Early in the week things were going fine. I was continuing to talk for a few minutes each day and managing the accompanying pain with morphine. I have managed to get my weight up to above 11 stone and was hoping to get a few more pounds on by the end of the week. I did my first exercise session on my cycling machine…

  • Update 13th September 2013


    Things are unfolding pretty much as predicted in that some of the side-effects have  worsened slightly but things are generally pretty stable.

    There is good news in that one or two of the problems have eased – my neck is no longer peeling skin and there is just a slight redness that is reducing each day. I now no longer draw stares in Waitrose (or maybe they've just got used to me)!  

    The fatigue is still with…