Base of Tongue Cancer

  • Update 6th September 2013


    My radiotherapy treatment ended on Wednesday with my 30thsession and I can tell you that it feels really good not to have to travel the 40 odd miles for my daily zap. The people there tell me that the side-effects will continue for the next couple of weeks and then should slowly subside. Some of them may linger for a month or two but most should disappear completely in time.  My next appointment is in two weeks and I'm…

  • Update 28th August 2013


    As of last Friday evening I have been unable to talk at all. This is due to damage to my throat caused by the radiotherapy. I am in pain for pretty much all of the time –I have upped the morphine dosage but even this is struggling to cope now. I am now officially no food, liquid or communication by mouth!

    I only have 7 radiotherapy sessions and 1 chemotherapy to go.

    My understanding is that they will assign a…

  • Update 23rd August 2013


    Four weeks and two days into the treatment and the side-effects have now really begun to bite, so much so that my chemo session was cancelled yesterday – apparently I had been on a high dosage and so there was scope to do this. One side-effect that is of concern is hearing damage which I'm told can, in some cases, be permanent. At the moment I have ringing in both ears and at the current level it is not really a…

  • Progress up 16th August 2013

    Just completed week three of the weekly chemo and daily radiotherapy and the side effects are now beginning to really kick in. The nausea is now nicely under control and I can now manage my NHS milkshakes and keep them down. Unfortunately I lost the stone that I'd managed to put on before the treatment started but I've now got things under control at 11st. I anticipate that I'll be nil-by-mouth by the middle of next week…
  • Update 3rd August 2013


    I'm now into the programme of weekly chemotherapy and
    daily radiotherapy. I've had two chemos and 6 radios so far. The
    chemotherapy involves being on a drip for around 7 hours at a time
    but the radiotherapy just involves a 20 minute zap on a huge machine.
    Another six to eight weeks to go.

    The main issues at the moment are the emerging side effects - severe fatigue and nausea, a lack of saliva and an occasional inability…