Update 13th September 2013

1 minute read time.

Things are unfolding pretty much as predicted in that some of the side-effects have  worsened slightly but things are generally pretty stable.

There is good news in that one or two of the problems have eased – my neck is no longer peeling skin and there is just a slight redness that is reducing each day. I now no longer draw stares in Waitrose (or maybe they've just got used to me)!  

The fatigue is still with me (sleeping about 12-14 hours a day) and I'm nowhere near being able to eat or drink by mouth.

I am now able to utter a few words each morning. It is painful but it is slowly improving. I can swallow once or twice a day and I think that this is getting slightly easier. This is where the real problems lie – the radiotherapy has done a lot of damage to the inside of my neck and throat. They tell me that this will slowly mend over the coming weeks.

If my blood test  is okay next week I plan to start going for short walks each day – a mile or two at first and then slowly increasing. I keep looking at my bike in the garage and itching to get on it.
I still feel very fragile and weak and I have to clear my throat/mouth every 30 minutes or so and this can be distressing for anyone within earshot. I reckon that all being well I should be up for visitors from the week after next.

All in all I'm still very rough but I do feel that things are slowly improving. My Lynne points out that even if I'm just  getting1% better each day then in a month that'll be 30%! It was always going to be a long slow journey but I do feel that I'm moving in the right direction.
