Babybear's Blog

  • BertieBassetts Final Journey


    Before I write anything else, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart foe all your support not just in the past week but the past 18 months I needed your strenght to give me mine.

    Bert's funeral will take place on Friday 5th March at 12. I make no apologies for the choice of music as he chose it himself. His First song will be

    ACDC Highway to Hell

    Wipeout (recorded by his son)

    A beautiful song called Keep…

  • 21st Feb Bertiebassett 2010


    It is now day 23 since they asked me if I wanted resus if Bert needed it. They stopped all treatment except sedation and pain control 9 days ago, I have lived in his room never leaving it in all that time. They tell me on a daily basis that the end is near. He has a dreadful cough, secretions on his chest, bedsores and is obviously in pain at times. He is on a syringe driver for pain control and sedation. also getting…

  • 16th Feb 20120 Bertiebassett


    Bert is still fighting, I din't know how but he is. We had a few scares at the weekend where I had to call the kids in several times but he keeps on rallying round.

    He is sedated all the time now because the agitation was just getting worse, the fact that he could not remember stuff really upset him. He has to get his lungs suctioned several times a day to get everything off his chest so he can breathe. It sounds…

  • Feb 11th 2010 Bertiebassett


    Doesn't look like we will be getting home at all now. Bert has a Temp again, perhaps a chest infection as they say his chest sounds very crackly. He is passing so much blood. It is so heartbreaking to watch the man you love in such pain and be completely helpless, the most I can do is wet his lips for him and just be here. I am losing track of the days myself now.

    He is hallucinating almost all the time, even when…

  • 9th Feb 2010 Bertiebassett


    Yesterday Bert slept all day , in fact he has been sleeping most of the time since Saturday. but he awoke a little aggressive again,so had to be sedated again. Today he woke with a temp and his catheter was blocked so he was in agony. after yet more morphine as he threatened to start throwing things about I have noticed that that aggression gets much worse when he is in pain,  They took the catheter out for a while and…