Babybear's Blog

  • To All my Mac Friends


    Hiya its now been 4 months since Bert died and I thought you would like to know that I am beginning to pick myself up and start to get on with my life. I have just returned from 3 weeks in Canada with my step sister and it done me the world of good. I still miss Bert every day and everywhere I go something reminds me of him,but I can honestly say that I am glad that he is no longer suffering as you well know…

  • Bertiebassett's Boys


    Bert never lived long enough to meet his new grandson but he said all along it would be a boy, never faltering. He kept telling me he had seen him and I thought he was hallucinating. Who knows. Meet Murray Albert Whitehouse.

    Greg his other grandson so so happy when he got to see him before he was sedated this is a picture of them both 2 weeks before Bert died.

  • Bertie


    The Service was all he would have wished for his choice of songs went down a treat and there were loads of laughs just as he planned. I was astounded at the turnout, for an Englishman in Scotland he knew more people than me. He was very popular for being just "a nice guy".

    How proud he would have been of the family. Claire for all the support she has been to me and all the running around she and Joni have…

  • ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Bye Bye Bert♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


    I don't think there is anything I have to say today except to Bert.  Sleep well I love and miss you this much


  • Bertie Bassetts Final Journey


    Before I write anything else, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart foe all your support not just in the past week but the past 18 months I needed your strenght to give me mine.

    Bert's funeral will take place on Friday 5th March at 12. I make no apologies for the choice of music as he chose it himself. His First song will be

    ACDC Highway to Hell

    Wipeout (recorded by his son)

    A beautiful song called Keep…