Fertility after my husbands chemotherapy

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Hi, My husband was diagnosed with ALL in 2011 and is coming to the end of his treatment in september. When first diagnosed we went down to the fertility clinic in preparation for having more children after treatment. He spoke to his consultant 2 months ago in regards to getting the ball rolling for extending our family next year which dr said was fine and he would refer us for after treatment but said as his bloods have been so consistent and steady there was no reason why we couldnt 'try' naturally now and see what happened. Our first appointment arrived in the post 3 weeks ago, the following sunday we discovered i was pregnant! We are thrilled and over the moon but im secretly scared, scared for its health and of any hiccups... I cant seem to find many stories online related to this situation so if anyone has any advice, success stories etc it would be hugely appreciated!! Kind regards Sharon
  • FormerMember
    He was at leicester royal infirmary then midway they allowed him to transfer to kettering as the two consultants trained together yrs ago so his leicester consultant trusted the kettering one! When we first got there, the registrar googled what he had infrint of us though.. Lol that set our nerves a tad on edge!! Lol x
  • FormerMember

    I would say just go with the flow and see what the scan says and what the specialist has to say. But just know if things don't work out for the best then at least you know there is hope to get pregnant naturally. Try look at the positives than the negatives, easier said than done I know haha.

    Wow our stories are very similar how strange. I think being on the chemo gives my partner relief knowing its still being kept at bay as the bone marrow transplant scares him.

    Oh see my partner was on the adult protocol which was quit intense as he was 26 when he was diagnosed so might have been a little difference in terms of strength of medication. But yes the treatment has been nearly 3 years so it sounds similar.

    How is your husband in him self? He is working normal now and just doing normal day to day stuff? xx

  • FormerMember
    Hiya, sorry for late response, its been chaos!!! Yes hes been at work from about a year and a half in but work r very good so when hes needed time etc they have allowed it. How about you and partner? Just an update, went for an appt today with specialist, we have lots of scans ahead with trained ppl to spot problems, abnormalities etc but all is looking great atm, scan today looked amazing, 8 weeks today and a healthy little heart beat pounding away, first hurdle done with success!! 😀 long 9 month road ahead, can only hope all good news to follow xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    thats ok I know how life can be hectic hectic haha. Same really my partner works for British Gas and they have been amazing with his illness from day one. 

    That is such brilliant news about the scan. I  pray for you that everything just goes really smoothly and there is nothing wrong. You make me want to start trying now but I am so nervous to. Did they say what the chances were of there being something wrong?

    If you want I can give you my personal email add as I would love to hear about how you are getting on with the pregnancy etc.

    Are you having morning sickness etc? xx

  • FormerMember
    Thats great, at least some companys are fair! Nice for him to look to the future of work, something to work towards :-) I dont really understand the chances and risks after his consultant said it was fine to try then seemed concerned when i was. We found out that on mercaptapurine, methatrexate and vinc, the statistics for pregnancy is non existant due to so little cases so they dont really know what risks could follow. Id recommend taking the pre pregnancy tabs asap (pregnacare) i wish i had! One of the meds works against folic acid apparently so its rxtra care as well as extra prescriptions from the consultant now! Time will tell :-) Might be worth raising the subject with his consultant :-) Yea send your email and ill keep updated through that :-) xx