Fertility after my husbands chemotherapy

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Hi, My husband was diagnosed with ALL in 2011 and is coming to the end of his treatment in september. When first diagnosed we went down to the fertility clinic in preparation for having more children after treatment. He spoke to his consultant 2 months ago in regards to getting the ball rolling for extending our family next year which dr said was fine and he would refer us for after treatment but said as his bloods have been so consistent and steady there was no reason why we couldnt 'try' naturally now and see what happened. Our first appointment arrived in the post 3 weeks ago, the following sunday we discovered i was pregnant! We are thrilled and over the moon but im secretly scared, scared for its health and of any hiccups... I cant seem to find many stories online related to this situation so if anyone has any advice, success stories etc it would be hugely appreciated!! Kind regards Sharon
  • FormerMember
    Oh and atm im only 7 weeks 😁😁😁 still early days but he wanted to scream it from the roof tops,, i was abit more nervous but he was so happy lol
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon! Yes, it was brilliant. Yeah, like you say, we will get used to it! He's doing ok thanks. He's just so happy to be home. He is really tired though but that's to be expected I guess. At least he's eating to get his strength up. I know the energy does come back eventually. Hope you're ok xx

  • FormerMember
    Good to hear hes eating!!! Bet hes glad to have normal food instead of hospital food lol Keep updated! Enjoy him being at home! :-) xx
  • FormerMember

    That is good that the consultant said to give it a go and even better news that you got pregnant. We had our consultant appointment today and he said we have just 1 more lumbar puncture left which is end of this month and then hopefully all chemo finished by october then to leave it 4 weeks or so then we can try. But he is booking us in to see a fertility specialist to say when we can definitely try and the risks etc. Not getting my hopes up though as he said only like a 10/20% chance of fertility coming back. 

    I am 27 and my partner is 28. Treatment is at Kingston Hospital in Surrey. What about yourself and your husband?

    Treatment has been good, loooooong but good. Has responded well to everything. Struggled at first when he was stuck in hospital for near on 4 months straight but now he just looks like every other person just needs to get his fitness up. Very nervous about stopping treatment though.

    I assume our partners would have been on the same protocol since it was same cancer and similar times. xx

  • FormerMember
    Uh oh lol im actually laughing tbh as i dont really know what else to do!! Lol he went to see his consultant again today and i asked him to get info as im a tad nervous. He told him the news and i dnt think he was perhaps expecting the news so soon and i asked if he seemed worried and he said he seemed slightly concerned! Apparently for my piece of mind and to check we r going next wed for a scan snd a chat with someone so maybe he shouldnt have said it was ok to see?!? Lol Boooooo! I am 27 and he is 28 so very similar stories by the sound of it!! Strange,, lol he also has one L.P left and he doesnt really talk about nerves when finishing but i think about it and im sure he must too! I bet they were on the same protocol then... The y gave him a try on the kkind of kids protocol (up to 25 yrs old) and he responded well so went with it, 3 years is that the same? Quite strange how similar this story is!! Xx