Fertility after my husbands chemotherapy

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Hi, My husband was diagnosed with ALL in 2011 and is coming to the end of his treatment in september. When first diagnosed we went down to the fertility clinic in preparation for having more children after treatment. He spoke to his consultant 2 months ago in regards to getting the ball rolling for extending our family next year which dr said was fine and he would refer us for after treatment but said as his bloods have been so consistent and steady there was no reason why we couldnt 'try' naturally now and see what happened. Our first appointment arrived in the post 3 weeks ago, the following sunday we discovered i was pregnant! We are thrilled and over the moon but im secretly scared, scared for its health and of any hiccups... I cant seem to find many stories online related to this situation so if anyone has any advice, success stories etc it would be hugely appreciated!! Kind regards Sharon
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon! I just saw your post as I was flicking through and wanted to congratulate you and your husband! Although I can't offer any advice, I just want to wish you the best. My uncle is 3 and a half weeks in with treatment for leukaemia. I'm glad your husband is nearing the end of treatment :)

    Louise xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi lou, So sorry to hear of your uncle! If u dont mind me asking, which leukemia is it? My husband has had a long tough 3 years but honestly believes a positive attitude is half the battle. Infact when the doc first sat us down and told us, i was crying, his dad was close to it and he just laughed and said bring it on and i think that was his attitude throughout! Tell your uncle to be strong, the things they can do are amazing these days!!!! Thank you for the congratulations :-) im just a tad nervous, he keeps saying to me, if dr littleton thought for a second that it posed any major risks he wouldnt have given the go ahead to try and see if we could fall naturally. Which i guess is very true, they wouldnt say it! Just hoping to find people who have experienced similar and have come out the other side with a healthy happy bubba :-) Please keep me up to date with your uncle, if you ever need a chat or to hear if something is 'normal' ill listen and answer to the best of my knowledge and experience :-) it doesnt answer for all cases but might help xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon! Thanks for the reply. I'll be honest, I don't know the exact name but it's one of the acute ones. Aww, what a great attitude to have! Just had the great news that my uncle can come home this afternoon! We are so happy. My auntie rang to say their 5 year old was visiting this morning with her older sister and they were there when the doctor said he could go home! So it was the 5 year old who rang her mummy to say daddy's coming home! I just burst out crying haha! 

    Yeah, exactly. The doctor wouldn't put you through all this if they didn't think everything was going to fine! Positive, positive, positive, my motto for the last 3 and a half weeks! I'm sure you'll all be fine hun. To get through your last 3 years, you can do anything! :-) 

    Thank you so much for saying you'll answer questions, appreciate it :-) Think we may be a bit paranoid at first about do's and don't's of being out of hospital, such as eating and risk of infection but sure we'll get used to it. 

    Hope we can keep each other up to date and hope someone can answer your baby questions :-) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Firstly, congratulation on falling pregnant I have my fingers crossed for you that all works out.

    It is a little scary as I am in a similar situation but aren't pregnant YET! My partner was disagnosed with ALL in November 2011 and is coming to the end of his treatment in october this year. We are looking at IVF but his consultant said we can try naturally 2 months after his treatment has finished but then I have read in some places they tell you to wait 2 years but then have also read people who have got pregnant straight after and all was ok.

    How far gone are you?

    We have another apt with his consultant today so more questions going his way haha.


  • FormerMember
    Sprry for late response... Lou, thats amazing that he came home! I remember that feeling well of the excitement!!! U will all quickly enough learn the do's and dont's, it becomes a way of life! People used to say they dont know how we/ppl cope in these situations, but you have to and it becomes part of your day to day life! Even the eating part... U learn what you can and cant get away with... :-) How is he doing now?? Xx Hi cruby, that is the same story pretty much, started looking into it, to get the ball rolling etc and his consultant said literally a month or 2 ago that we could just 'see' what happens, that his bloods are steady, chemo is steady, so just see. And a month later... Lol sooo surprised!!! How old r u and partner??? How is his treatment going now? If u dont mind me asking, where was he treated? Xx