A New Year Still Wondering What Happened

  • Ancient Civilisations and the Afterlife


    I got a chance to go to the last day of the Egyptian Book of the Dead exhibition on Sunday, yesterday, but at the last minute, although I admit I still had my head cold from having flu last week, I chickened out.  Although I could have gone, I was scared to.  That whole way that they looked at the afterlife as a natural journey that every individual goes on (and therefore that's why they had to take all their worldly goods…

  • Looking for Mother


    I was just wondering what "mothering" means.  Also what it means to have a mother.  And what it means when you don't have a mother any more.

    On Friday I went for a short counselling-type chat at my local cancer support centre.   My counselling sessions finished a while back,  but I drop in for a chat every now and again.

    I mentioned that one or two of the people who are closely related to me are so not my…

  • Odd Relationships


    Been trying to deal with family and relatives abroad.  They are trying to understand and help but they are so far away they can't really do anything.  I am so shellshocked now and trying hard to keep going that I am beginning not to have an awful lot of patience on the phone.  Got told off this evening for not phoning back and keeping in touch but sometimes I can hardly bear to phone anyone.  How odd that these phone…

  • The Piano


    Feeling massively sad about the piano being taken away only a day or so after Flash died.  But the hire company simply don't care.  They just want it back. Boy I worked hard on that piano, wrote songs on it and played and sang to Mother and Flash too.  I explained all that and said I wanted to keep it and would pay for the hire of course.  But they wouldn't allow that.  It seems everything I want and need they don…

  • In Hindsight


    Sometimes I wonder if I haven't invented a personality for Flash that he never really had.

    As the funeral day approached, I found myself thinking more and more about all things miitary and that Flash had been like a soldier.  We used to play this game where I would bawl "A -nimal! Sit!" like a sergeant-major and the dog would sit and stay, perfectly still, until I told him to move.  All up and down the park…