The Piano

1 minute read time.

Feeling massively sad about the piano being taken away only a day or so after Flash died.  But the hire company simply don't care.  They just want it back. Boy I worked hard on that piano, wrote songs on it and played and sang to Mother and Flash too.  I explained all that and said I wanted to keep it and would pay for the hire of course.  But they wouldn't allow that.  It seems everything I want and need they don't want to let me have.

I realised that they hadn't believed a word I had said, about being doubly bereaved and changing bank accounts and various other circumstances and that they must have fairly laughed when I asked them for some leeway because my dog had died.   I explained that I had inherited this situation which is unusual and difficult. It had been my Mum who had hired the piano for me to play. The situation had not been all my fault.   I called the woman today and said, could I keep it until the end of the week, so I could finish recording some music on it.  And she said,"You keep changing your story and I've had enough. I've fixed it with the solicitors and the removals men."  And I realised that she hadn't believed a word I'd said all along and that she had told everyone so. It's hard to be thought a liar.  There's nothing I can do about it but that's hard.

So I'm recording two songs tonight.  Just so I can hear how it sounded, the tone of it.  Either I'll just record audio or it will be videoed.  A memento of a lovely piano.

Jesus it's hard doing this so soon after Flash's burial. I still get flashbacks to Mum's burial too.  I hope I can get through tonight, the recording, the piano removal and being without it, the hole that it will leave behind, through all of tomorrow.

I realise too that I need a piano of my own, even just to avoid being put in this situation again.  Maybe that's something to work towards.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Persephone,

    What a world we live in. I can only say I feel for you.

    Missing Flash and your Mum. I apologise before hand but I would like to wish you a Happy Valentines Day from Flash and your Mum. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi persephone

    thats sounds like a wonderful plan your own piano and something to work for i'm sure your mum and flash will sit by your side when you get it .

    good luck with the recording this evening

    jackie xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    what a great idea go for the piano its something which will give you so much pleasure and some happy memories as you are tinkling away on the ivories wish i was musical i can just about sing on the karaoke and not very well at that !!! sometimes sadness can bring sunshine and im sure your own piano will bring some sunshine into your life every day so chin up let them take the piano its just for a little while till you can replace it and soon the dark night s will be gone and spring will be everywhere and the world will look a much nicer place

    love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone for the lovely comments.

    I've blogged some of my thoughts about certain of society's  attitudes and about family reactions to the situation.

    But you are probably right: it's best to stay positive, well I'll try anyway!

    Love, Perse.