A New Year Still Wondering What Happened

  • Music


    Music seems to be dancing in and out of my life at the moment.  Both performing it and listening to it.

    Last night I sang a song at an open mic evening.  I had written while Mum was still alive.  No, I didn't do it perfectly.  My voice cracked in a couple of places I didn't expect it to and my piano playing needs practice. 

    I was surrounded by strangers, but by the end of the song, that saying about strangers only…

  • Electric Limboland


    Just seem to be floating in limbo at the moment.  This week I coped with:

    Monday: A terrible reaction against my antidepressant medication -  I became too ill to get to my counselling session in the afternoon and thenI blacked out overnight with terrible migraines, nausea, vomiting and only came to in the morning. I have no one to call when something like that happens except a rather unpredictable neighbour.  I called her…

  • Going Back to Go Forward


    I find myself revisiting a lot of my mum's favourite places, maybe to try and see things from her point of her view anew, perhaps through her eyes.

    Went to a Thai restaurant we used to go to, that she liked - lovely delicate food.

    Oddly I feel as though I am geting to know her better.  If there is anything in the belief that those who have passed over can send messages to the living, I am probably getting a few now…

  • Seeing the Wood for the Trees


    Went to the Border Collie of the Year Show today at Weston-super-Mare.   I finally overcame my own resistance and actually went.  And I was finally reunited with the pack I had howled for when I lost Flash.   An event packed with Border Collies!  Border Collies in the ring, owners running round the ring with Border Collies.  Border Collies collecting rosettes.  Border Collies tugging toys with their teeth.  Border collies in their…

  • Border Collie of the Year Show


    There's a championship show in Weston-super-Mare, just for Border Collies tomorrow, Bank Holiday Monday.  I really want to go.  But I have mixed feelings about it.  I feel sometimes that I have not really said goodbye properly to Flash.  Since he was buried, I have not been back to the grave.  If I had had my way, he would have been competing at this show tomorrow.  As it is, he's found his resting place out near Salisbury…