A 5 year statistic

  • Finally A Positive Update


    So having felt rubbish for the last few months, I am now feeling better !

    2nd round of carbo/gem yesterday, liver functions improving and I feel alot brighter.  Had a horrible time with 1st cycle, nose bleeds and brusing, the fear of the unknown - I didnt know low red platelets were very common.

    My 6 year old came into the ward for the first time to see the end of the chemo yesteday and took it all in her stride and…

  • Is it or is it not working ?


    So back today for round 3 of vironelbine.  My bloods have gone up slightly but "Ive seen worse" were the oh so reassuring words. "Glad your Bilirubin is fine as you really dont want to turn yellow, its not a great look"!  This was not my usual Onc but her friendly chatting assistant with an interesting approach.  Apparently it is probably working as I look and feel ok ish  but until the next scan, who…

  • So I am Remarkable ?


    What a week I have had.  I had a very positive meeting with a breast cancer Professor in Harley Street on thursday.  I decided to pay for one hour to ask further questions and discount options that I had read about.  Instead he suggested some further options and was positive.  He called me remarkable and said that I was proof that you shouldnt just treat a scan picture as my bloods are virtually normal and I look great  (didnt…

  • Rubbish Rubbish Rubbish


    So the week of results reared its ugly head again this week.  Been feeling rubbish - was nearly sick during yoga so took the precaution of getting my blood results before entering the room with Dr Miserable.   All fine apart from ALT liver which has gone up from 50 to 85, which is not massive in the grand scheme of things.

    So to results morning after an uncomfortable night, why do you still shake when you know what they…

  • Am I happy to be a statistic?


    It's five years ago tomorrow that I first heard those fateful words "yes, Im sorry but you have breast cancer".  Tomorrow was the day that I would come off the tamoxifen and make a decision about baby number 2, instead I have mets in the liver and a scan on Friday to see if my second round of chemo has worked.  Its a funny old world - I don't know whether to feel happy that I have come so far and am in good…