A carers blog

  • Some people are just plain ignorant

    We get all sorts of reactions from people when they know about my husband’s cancer diagnosis. Some are curious, wanting to know the ins and outs, what stage it is, what treatment he has had. Some are concerned about him, offering to help if he ...
  • Brain fog

    There’s nothing like a dose of chemotherapy coupled with sleepless nights to bring on a rampant case of brain fog in my experience. Even the relatively mild treatment for solar keratosis seemed to turn my husband’s brain to mush. This, al...
  • Mood swings

    Quite a lot of posts on this site mention mood swings and uncharacteristic aggression amongst cancer sufferers. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday whose husband also has cancer and she was telling me about he gets really quite angry with her...
  • Keeping a sense of humour

    Is it possible to keep a sense of humour when your husband has had his bladder, lymph glands, urethra and prostate removed, has been declared clear from cancer only to be told six months later that the cancer is probably back?  I think my husban...