Mood swings

1 minute read time.

Quite a lot of posts on this site mention mood swings and uncharacteristic aggression amongst cancer sufferers. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday whose husband also has cancer and she was telling me about he gets really quite angry with her at times. I’ve not experienced too much of this and I can appreciate that if someone is feeling unwell, coupled with the fact that they are in a situation that is totally out of their control, they are bound not to be at their most rational! 

If you are a carer, don’t expect an apology if your partner, parent, child has a hissy fit over something that you consider to be fairly trivial. I never get one for that but I get plenty of apologies from  Gerry for “putting you through all of this” and usually within an hour or so after a more spectacular grump he will tell me he loves me, “ No, I mean it, I really, really love you,” which is great, but please don’t grab my hand to tell me this when I’m on the way to the loo because at my age this could end up being terribly embarrassing! 

  • I don't think that I have had mood swings as such. I have, at times, felt very emotional and this has manifested in a number of ways. Cancer (and no doubt many other difficult to treat illnesses) is difficult to understand and the physical and emotional impacts can be profound. The carer can also be affected, please look after yourself as well!

  • Maybe “mood swings” is the wrong expression. Roller coaster of emotions might be more apt.  
    Keep smiling!