A Blip...

  • An oncologist phones...

    An oncologist phones... After waiting four weeks I chase up my next follow up appointment just because I'm impatient like that. Everyone I speak to is the kindest and most helpful that they can be even though i am sure that they are thinking &nd...
  • Follow up

    I went for my follow up appointment with the surgeon and - of course - the first thing he said was 'You're looking well' and the second thing he said was 'Good news! You won't need a second operation and you're cancer free&#39...
  • Two weeks later...

    Today it's two weeks since my operation and I feel noticeably better and much less fatigued. The family came at the weekend and although I was really tired at times, I did join in with everything so it's not surprising. I read stories and blogs from ...
  • Post Op

    Now I am 'recuperating at home' the next few days are a bit of a blur. People bring cards and flowers, my sister sends Cyberjammies, my partner provides tea, toast and a lot of sympathy. I do the exercises, I read, I find myself not wanting t...
  • Op Day part 2

    I'm dreaming and then I'm awake...it's 4.45pm - two hours after I went down. A nurse offers me Oramorph which I take and I close my eyes again. But that seems wrong somehow. I need to wake up! Why I think this I really don't know...T...