ilovehersomuch's blog

  • Can't Sleep

    I am struggling to get to sleep again. This happened when I first found out about mum, but eased off during her chemo as I had allowed myself to believe that it would prolong my mum's life so much that there was no need to get so upset! Now the treatment has stopped I'm back to facing reality of that my mum is dying and possibly quite soon. I toss thinking about all the things I will not be able to do with my mum.…
  • Fun Day at Mum's

    Now my mum's chemo has stopped my dad has stopped potecting my mum from all infections and us!! We arranged a BBQ at their house with her children, grandchildren and her 3 great grandchildren. We had a beautiful time and my mum managed to get out of bed for a bit and watch her family have some fun. I loved it, but I have to say it makes me sad now I am at home because I know I am going to miss her so much when she…
  • The News I Didn't Want

    My mum has had 3 rounds of chemo and the consultant as decided that it is making no difference and have stopped any further chemo. It was a shock as my dad, who would not let anyone go with him and my mum to see the consultant, had said that after the 1st chemo the saw the consultant and he said the x-ray showed a small shrinkage. After the 2nd lot the x-ray showed about a half shrinkage. My dad had got me all excited…
  • Flowers

    Is it a myth or fact that cancer patients undergoing chemo shoud not be given flowers or plants? I have heard this and am concerned because mum has been given some flowers. Strangely enough she got the flowers on Thursday, she was doing really well and looked good and today she is low slept all day and actually asked to go back into hospital because she hasn't felt well at night for the last couple of nights and she…
  • Flower

    Can some one please tell me if it is a myth that cancer patients should not get flowers.