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Is it a myth or fact that cancer patients undergoing chemo shoud not be given flowers or plants? I have heard this and am concerned because mum has been given some flowers. Strangely enough she got the flowers on Thursday, she was doing really well and looked good and today she is low slept all day and actually asked to go back into hospital because she hasn't felt well at night for the last couple of nights and she feels safer in hospital.
  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I think you will find that most hospitals dont like flowers now, but I think they are just erring on the side of caution with regards to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.  As you probably know the blood count decreases therefore increasing the risk of infection.  It may just be that your mums blood count has lowered causing her to feel unwell, unfortunately that can happen with chemo.  You may also find that she becomes a lttle more tired after each chemo, the effects of chemo are cummulative so this also often happens.  Your mum is obviously in the best place if she is overly worried.  I hope she feels better soon and that the rest of her treatment goes well.

    Take care

    Indie xx

  • FormerMember

    I am not sure of the answer but I can tell you that flowers are not allowed on the Heamatology/Oncology ward my husband is in. Because the can carry fungal infections. Hope this is of some help
