BouncingCzech's blog

  • What's left to say?


    Well it's March the 2nd, we've had Christmas and I've had my birthday back in January and I've got to say I've never felt better. I had a great Christmas with my family, I managed to get out of the Hospital Christmas Eve, although I had to go back Boxing Day morning for a quick check-up I got to spend the majority with my family. Unfortunately, having the herpes simplex meant I couldn't be around…

  • Typical... but Merry Christmas


    Well after all my talk of almost getting back to normal I was hit by the herpes simplex virus. Using all these steroid creams reduces the immunity in your skin so it let the coldsore virus I already had in my mouth just spread all over my face and chest. I've been back and forth from BMT to Dermatology trying to sort out the virus and eczema, having been on high-dose aciclovir for a couple of weeks it was pretty…

  • Almost normal


    I'm so far out of transplant now I've given up putting day +??? in front of the title because its getting more and difficult to work out! Needless to say its been nearly 7 months now since my transplant and I'm finally starting to glance at what its like to be normal again (not that I want to ginx it).

    There have been a few problems, I developed this rash a few weeks ago and was itching like mad. The …

  • Day +172: There's always something


    Well after all the tests they gave me to find out what was wrong with my stomach they all came back fine, I even had an endoscopy where they put a camera down your throat and take biopsies of inside your gut in various places, that's not something I'd want to go through again any time soon. I know I've had bone marrow and spinal fluid sucked out of me but I'm just not crazy about having thick black cables forced…

  • Day +151: Somebody find out what's wrong me already...


    Well I've spent a few more weeks feeling absolutely rotten; nausea, abdominal pain, back pain, mouth ulcers and on top of that my eye's still blurry. I've had pretty much every test they could think of, my consultant was worried it was a relapse of leukaemia with the back pain and everything so I've had a Bone Marrow test and a Lumber Puncture and spent a few days pretty worried but both the results came back totally…