Day +172: There's always something

1 minute read time.

Well after all the tests they gave me to find out what was wrong with my stomach they all came back fine, I even had an endoscopy where they put a camera down your throat and take biopsies of inside your gut in various places, that's not something I'd want to go through again any time soon. I know I've had bone marrow and spinal fluid sucked out of me but I'm just not crazy about having thick black cables forced down my throat.

Anyway all the tests I had came back fine and the Doctor's concluded that I'm suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and chances are it'l clear up in a few more weeks. The better news though is that I've started coming off the cyclospirin and in a couple of weeks time I should be off it completely so my immune system won't be supressed anymore. On top of that I only have to go in to Hospital once a week now which is cracking. The Doctor told me to start hitting the exercise hard as well and I really want to, its just without getting enough food down me I'm still feeling sick and tired a lot of the time making it pretty difficult. Hopefuly that'l pass soon enough through.

Also I've had a chance to give my new immune system a work out by getting a pretty nasty throat infection, they've given me a ton of oral anti-biotics though and its mostly cleared up now but it's been a pretty rubbish few days only being able to swallow ice cream and water. I'm a little worried about how much weight I've lost over the last few weeks, I'm down to about 9 stone 5 pounds now and for somebody my height thats pretty low, still hopefully my appetite will pick up pretty soon because I'm REALLY missing eating out.

  • FormerMember

    Good news about the results Bouncing. I know a few who would be more than happy to just have ice cream lol and glad to know the new immune system handled your throat infection.

    take care love Terri xxx

  • FormerMember

    glad to hear results ok

    sorry to hear u can onlyeat icecream at the moment .... hope its all "full fat" ..... hopefully real soon you will be eating EVERYTHING!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Will Glad to hear your endoscopy was ok. Don't worry you will soon get your appetite back and be able to get on with getting built up again. Have you started back at Uni yet or is it too soon for that.


  • FormerMember

    Yeah I'm back at Uni now, in to week 5... I think.. so far so good :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Will, good to hear all is ticking along OK, desite the problems and undercurrents that rumble on. For sure it will be a better Christmas and New Year than last year! Lots of yummy icecream out there, do you like creme brullee? One of my favourites ... try it! Figners crossed you will be eating OK soon, perhaps the exercise will help. How is Uni going, you still enjoying it - touch last year?

    Take care, with love, Debbie xx