Typical... but Merry Christmas

1 minute read time.

Well after all my talk of almost getting back to normal I was hit by the herpes simplex virus. Using all these steroid creams reduces the immunity in your skin so it let the coldsore virus I already had in my mouth just spread all over my face and chest. I've been back and forth from BMT to Dermatology trying to sort out the virus and eczema, having been on high-dose aciclovir for a couple of weeks it was pretty clear the virus was still spreading and some of the postules weren't scabbing over properly.

Needless to say when my consultant said on monday that I'd have to come in as an in-patient for IV treatment I was not all that happy. Considering I'd spent last Christmas in the hospital I was really looking forward to being with my family and my girlfriend this time around.

Luckily, seeing as I actually feel fine (though I don't look it), they put a pic line in my arm and have let me take the IV ganciclovir at home. Though I've still got to come back for a blood test boxing day which is a bit of a bitch, but least I'll be home at Christmas.

The eczema's settled down quite well, though I'm a bit itchy still, my scalps still the worst though. With the skin really flakey I'm just losing loads of hair which is pretty shit when you've already lost it once, but hopefully I won't have to shave it all off again.

Hopefully this'l be one of the last things to put up with anyway, I'm feeling so much better thesee days. Anyway Merry Christmas everybody, hope you manage to have a good one.

  • FormerMember

    Hey Will not heard from you in ages. Glad to hear you are at home for Christmas Have a Really good time, Well as much as you can.

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Merry Christmas, Will.  Hope you're feeling much better soon!

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    hope you had a good xmas will! Glad you're feeling better and that you stayed out of hospital.


  • FormerMember

    Will, here is hoping you stayed out of hospital over Christmas and did manage to enjoy it with your family and girlfriend. You deserve it! How time has flown since last Christmas, yet so much has happened .....  I wish you all the very best for 2010 and I so hope you can close the door once and for all on this chapter of your life in 2010. Having said that I feel you have learnt so much and the experiences you have so carefully documented will help so many. You will have discovered character traits in yourself that you never knew existed!I  know you were going to liaise with the medeical powers that be at Uni to see if your experiences could be used to help other students who may be similarly affected, I hope you achieved this. Meanwhile, all the very best to you.

    With love Debbie xx