BouncingCzech's blog

  • Day +137: Feeling a bit rough


    Since coming off the gut steroid Budesonide I've been feeling a bit rough, lot of nausea and stomach cramps as though I'm full all the time but I've hardly been eating; at least not anywhere near as much as I normally do. The Doctors were worried it was the graft vs host in my gut coming back but it looks like its just side-effects from the steroids, they took a sample off me and as far as I'm aware that came back…

  • Day +126: Down to me now really

    After my last clinic appointment I'm down to taking 5 different medications.... instead of about 15. I'm off all the steroids, not taking any of the magnesium or potassium supplements and soon they're going to start taking down my immune suppression medicine which means my immune system should be able to start fighting for itself and get rid of the virus' I have once and for all. Yes I've still got the CMV and Epstein…
  • Day +120: Line out

    It's been 120 days since my transplant, and a suprising 261 days since I was first diagnosed and I've finally had my central line removed, for anyone who doesn't know what that is it's the tube they've been using the last 200 days to take blood and give me chemo, but since I've hardly had blood in the last three months and I don't have chemo anymore it's out, and it feels good. It took some persuading of the Doctor's…
  • Day +109: Some very good news

    Well we had a VERY long day at the hospital monday, at first it felt incredibly dissapointing. I needed to have a blood transfusion (my first in months) because my haemoglobin was so low, all of my other blood counts were lower and I'd been taking hte GCSF injections so I was really hoping that my neutophils would be up above 1 and I'd be able to start getting out and doing more. Anyway it was a long day, talking to Matt…
  • Day +104: Living an hour at a time

    Well unfortunately since my last blog things haven't worked out quite as well as I'd hoped. My line removal never happened due to my blood counts taking a turn for the worst, needless to say I was dissapointed. The main reason for this I'm told is a combination of being on the steroids (which I am now off completely, which is some good news) and the virus that I've picked up. It's the Epstein-Barr virus which, from what…