I need to do something

  • 4 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Any ideas how i can help Macmillan and also my mummy x 

  • Hi

    That's great that you'd like to help Macmillan. You could take a look at this page on ways you can support Macmillan

    Having looked back through your posts I see that your mummy is currently being treated for breast cancer and that you have joined the breast cancer group. They are a very friendly group of people who I'm sure will be able to give you tips on ways you can help your mum through this.

    I'm going to tag my fellow Community Champion into my reply to you as she helps to look after that group and has also supported her mum through breast cancer.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you x 

    How do I private message 

  • U need to ask the person u want to private message if you can b  their friend ( on their profile).

    Once they've accepted you'll get the option to ' send a nessage' when b you go into My friends and their nane.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Morning

    I hope you found the information I linked you to about ways to help Macmillan useful.

    If you want to send a private message to the fundraising team then you can email them on fundraising@macmillan.org.uk. If it's one of the other ways that you want to help then clicking on the volunteer activity that you're interested in will bring up their contact details.

    If you want to send a private message to another forum member then you need to be 'friends' with that person first. To do this, click on their username in a post which will take you to their profile. Then select 'add friend' which you'll see under their username on their profile page.

    If they accept you as a friend go to your own profile, by clicking on your username, and select 'My Friends'. Anyone you're friends with will appear hear and to send them a message select 'send a private message'. A box will then appear where you can type your message before pressing the 'send message' button.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"