Wait time query

  • 11 replies
  • 89 subscribers

Hello there

I’m new to this group and on 5.3.25 was diagnosed with Grade 3 endometrial cancer. My MRI will be on 20.3.25. How long does it normally take from MRI to actual operation? (I live in south Wales). The reason I ask is that I’m trying to arrange cover for my disabled husband who also has Parkinsons whilst I’m in hospital, so a timeframe would be really helpful. Unfortunately I can’t get hold of my consultant’s secretary at all so thought I’d try here for advice instead. Many thanks.

  • Hi Lemonpip.

    Welcome to this group, even if none of us wanted to be here.

    This is a tricky question, and I think a lot of us learnt it was difficult to plan anything.  Please bear in mind that your MDT (multi discipline team) will meet on a set day each week, and any results need to be back with them, before they agree next steps. Do you know when your team meet?  Will there be time to get the MRI results back from the 20th before the following weeks MDT?

    For me, and everyone has different timescales, following my MRI they wanted me to have a PET scan ( I haven’t heard other needing this beforehand). I had PET scan on 24 Nov, meeting with surgeon on Friday 29th Nov, and op on Monday 2nd Dec..so super quick, even rushed in the pre op assessment on that Friday! (That was a whirlwind weekend!) Others here have waited several weeks.

    i would suggest you make sure your support nurse knows they need for you to plan/arrange things.

  • Hi Lemonpip

    I popped a reply on your previous post. 

    It can vary between hospitals. My scan results took around a week to come back and my surgery was a couple of weeks after that. I had my pre op appointment on a Friday and surgery was on the following Monday. 

    if your experience is similar to mine I would think end March, first couple of weeks in April- if it is straightforward and no delays. It is hard to estimate as there can be lots of different factors so contacting consultants secretary/or CNS would be a good plan. They would have an idea of how busy the hospital is at this current time. With the consultant's secretary it maybe an idea to contact via email as I know mine wasn't always available. She did however get back to me at some point. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • As others have said different health authorities have different waiting times ..mine from MRI to Op was 13 weeks  far to long in my opinion .

    Hope yours doesn't take to long . 

    Best Wishes 

  • Oh crikey yes that is a long time for cancer treatment. Hope you’re ok now x

  • Thanks very much Jane - much appreciated x

  • Thanks for the tips Waidh. That’s a really useful point about the MDT team and when they meet so I will keep trying the consultant’s secretary in the hope she gets back.

  • Hi do you have their e mail address? If not may be able to help as work for NHS Wales. Just PM me the consultant name and hospital.

  • Thanks Travellinggirl. My consultant is Dr Sumit Menon at Neath Port Talbot hospital and his secretary is Natalie Prosser. My MRI results will be referred to the Gynae Oncology MDT at Singleton for advice. 

  • I’ll get the e mail address - can you enable me to send a message ( in settings) as probably shoot it on here