40 years old waiting biopsy

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  • 90 subscribers

Hi I’m 40 with 2 children I’ve been experiencing bleeding after sex and pain during with my husband and also dull ache around my pubic bone , I was refer by my GP for emergency 2 week appointment to a gynaecologists and had ultrasound and it shows I have cyst on my ovary and also my womb lining is thick , so the gynaecologist sent me for blood test to check CA125 levels and got have biopsy in 5 days times . 

it all seems to be moving so fast which got me really worried Worried 

I’ve had a read on google (I know I shouldn’t ) and it seems to say it could be endometrial hyperplasia , which got me really worried . i don’t mind if I need to have hysterectomy because I’ve had issues with my ovary before and had dermoid cyst removed from my ovary in 2019 , they gynaecologists says the cyst I have now not a dermoid cyst , so if it stops all my issues . 


  • Hi ixchiv- sorry to hear you’ve got some health worries atm. My experience is that once you have been referred on the 2 week pathway, everything happens really quickly. Like you, I immediately thought that they must have found something really wrong with me and I really panicked. For example after my hysteroscopy/biopsy,  I was told I needed an MRI and that it would be booked for me within the next 10 days. The hospital rang me for an appointment within 2 days and I immediately thought it was because they had seen something worrying at the hysteroscopy. In fact, if you are being fast tracked, you jump the queue of routine patients, plus my local MRI dept was very quiet at the time- hence the quick appointment. I too have been on Google. It’s only natural, but it’s not helpful to our mental health! The internet hasn’t got access to our medical history and current presentation and can only generalise. Endometrial Hyperplasia is the posh name for thickened womb lining- you probably know that!  Good luck with your biopsy- that is the only thing that will rule cancer out or in really. It’s good that they are getting you in quickly for your tests, but try not to read too much into what tests they give you and the timings of them- at this stage they’ll be routine tests that most of us have gone through.

    This bit is horrible- the waiting is so hard. I get my test results tomorrow from my consultant and I can’t begin to tell you how worried I am. 
    Try to keep busy and share your feelings. There is lots of support and information on here.

    Good luck and let us know how you are getting on! x 

  • Thank you for the advice it’s horrible the waiting and I know we shouldn’t Google but I like to know every detail of what I can or not be facing , I hope you get good results tomorrow x

  • Hi rather than google look on this site as it will be accurate. Or ask on here as most of us have been through these tests. The waiting is hard - I just tried to keep busy. 

  •   . I hope your results appointment yesterday went as well as these things can.

  • Thank you! My appointment went  pretty much as I had anticipated. Stage 1A endometrial cancer. No spread to anywhere else. Pelvis, muscles and lymph nodes all clear.  Hysterectomy booked for Monday 19th August. I was very relieved- which is an odd emotion considering I’d been diagnosed with cancer! But I am aware it could have been a whole lot worse! Thank goodness I went to my GP quickly and thank goodness for our marvellous  NHS fast track service!! 

  • That’s good that they haven’t taken long to give you treatment , do you need another treatment after hysterectomy. 

  • They hope I won’t need any more treatment. 2 doctors have independently said the same thing to me. The doctor said possible radiotherapy if the biopsies from the uterus etc showed some residual cancer, but she thought I’d be unlikely to need that. However, other people have said don’t be worried if it’s offered as a way of making sure it’s all gone. I have quickly learnt to try and stop second guessing what’s going to happen in the longer term as I have been driving myself mad! I’m trying to focus on the next definite step in my treatment. Much easier said than done, but I think I’m getting better at it! Thank you for your messages! They are much appreciated. 

  • I hope you get on ok I will be thinking of you and I totally get what your saying driving yourself mad with next steps and trying think what will happen next , I’ve not had biopsy yet and I’m going mad my self Face palm tone3‍ x

  • Good luck with your biopsy. I think waiting for the tests and results must be one of the hardest parts of all this. It’s much better once you have definite answers and a plan I think! 
    Let us know how your biopsy goes. X

  • Definitely I hate waiting I want know yesterday what going on Face palm tone3‍ so I can fight it straight on , I will keep you updated how I get on I don’t have my biopsy until 5th August so I will have wait again for the results, keep me updated how you get on too x