Worry about results

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  • 76 subscribers

Hi a bit of info about me, 3 years ago I started with some on/off random bleeding despite being on the mini pill, I was due a smear so mentioned it to the nurse, after asking lots of questions she said it would be the menopause, 2 of my friends were having the same thing going on so once my smear came back fine so i  thought no more of it, it carried on for the next 3 year, sometimes i would bleed for a day then nothing for months then maybe a slight pinkish when i wiped for a day or two then again nothing for weeks or months, 8 weeks ago i started noticing blood when i wiped, after 10 days ( I’ve never had bleeding for that long) i made a doctors appointment and she fast tracked me despite not being able to say I was definitely post menopause due to me taking the pill, as my sister had womb cancer, I had a hysterscopy 3 weeks ago and the results came back that I have cancer, so now I’m anxiously waiting for the results fron the CT scan and biopsy and worrying I’ve actually had it for 3 years and it won’t be treatable, 9 days until I get to find out! 

  • Hi Dizzy Dora

    Welcome to the group! I can completely understand how you must be feeling at the moment. I had 4 years of on and off bleeding and I was post menopausal so when I finally had a hysteroscopy and MRI scan I had convinced myself the cancer would not be treatable and I had prepared myself for the worst. In fact I was stage 1b grade 2 which is very treatable. Try not to worry too much before you get the results and you know what you are actually dealing with. I found it a relief once I knew and had a rough idea of the treatment plan. 

    Linda xxx

  • Thank you so much for your reply, it’s so good to hear from someone who’s been through the same thing and it’s been treatable, because this bleeding has been very different to the previous lots I’m telling myself that it probably was peri menopause bleeding previously and not cancer, hope you are doing well after your treatment x

  • Hi Dizzy Dora

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group. 

    I am sorry to hear about your episodes of bleeding and cancer diagnosis. It is really hard to wait for those further results and I remember it well. 

    I think the thing to try to remember is that you have done the right thing in getting checked and that the CT scan is to confirm exactly where the cancer is and that will help the doctors decide the best way to treat it. Most ladies seem to be offered a hysterectomy and after that, there is some follow up pathology that will help confirm the provisional stage and grade that most ladies are given. It is those results that help determine whether any follow up treatment may be needed. 

    If you click on my name, my profile will come up- but I had my hysterectomy in April 2022. It was straight forward, I had little pain and recovered well from the surgery. So if that is the recommendation for you, please try not to worry- most of the ladies on here will have had the same surgery and will want to offer you support.

    I will pop a link to some info that I found helpful. It helps explain what may happen next.

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    If talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The number is below and they are lovely on there.

    If there is anything you need, then please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your reply Jane, I’ve been told based on the biopsy results that it will definitely be a hysterectomy and possibly Radiotherapy but obviously they need to know the stage before deciding on the course of action, my sister had womb cancer 4 years ago and just had to have  a full and radical hysterectomy, no other treatment fortunately , so I know what to expect in terms of the surgery it’s just awful waiting not knowing what your outcome is going to be, I have a 19 year old son who is autistic with severe anxiety and relies on me completely so the idea of not being around for him terrifies me. Thank you for the support I really appreciate it I guess it’s just a waiting game and I need to stop thinking about it until I get the results x