Atipical Hyperplasia/Cancer or not

  • 5 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hi ,my name is Kaz . I've just been given a diagnosis of Atipical Hyperplasia,which isn't cancer yet,and the treatment plan is hysterectomy. I'm feeling a bit in limbo,don't really know how to feel at the moment.I was told that even though the biopsy showed changing cells,they still won't know for certain if there is cancer elsewhere in my womb until everything is in the lab.Booked for an MRI on 4th June,op possibly 1st week July.

  • Hi Kaz

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia. 

    I can understand why you are feeling in limbo at the moment. It is hard to be diagnosed with something that could lead on to cancer. Hyperplasia means that the womb lining is thicker than they would like it to be and that the changing cells would suggest that the hysterectomy is a good plan. If it does turn out that there are some cancer cells, then they would hopefully be at a very early stage.

    This link may be helpful.

    Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment (

    Everyone who has a hysterectomy will have pathology done post op and for me it took around 3 1/2 weeks to come back- although it can vary. The MRI will help them pinpoint any areas of concern but it is the post op pathology that will give them the confirmation either way. 

    I am pleased you do not have to wait too much longer- the waiting is hard and all sorts can go through your mind. 

    My hysterectomy was done in April 2022 and was laparoscopic. I stayed in hospital for one night and was then home. The op was straight forward, I had very little pain and recovered well. 

    If there is anything you want to ask, then please do so, There are a lovely bunch of ladies on here who will want to offer you support.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Kas 

    this is what happened to me 

    had my total hysterectomy on Thursday by robotic surgery I have recovered very quickly and I’m just waiting to go home … my surgeon has seen me and now said my uterus was very scarred and that I probably had had endometriosis during my younger years and it must have been severe … I have no real recollection of suffering any more with my periods than other … he has just said let’s wait for the histology and go from there so I hope you get some feed back soon I should get my results in two weeks he says … xx

  • Thanks for your message 

  • Thanks for your message ,I hope that you're well. 

  • I’m getting there got home on Saturday but had a bad day yesterday with an upset tummy feel much better today and had a shower that was bliss currently sitting in garden with mint tea … do get some you do need it afterwards … good luck